jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Marketing publicity

How marketing drives your subconciousness

Can you describe what happening in this Picture?

How many animals can you see in the picture?
Can you named them?

What can you percieve in this Picture?
What is the feeling the picture shows?

Can you find something?

Find 10 faces in the tree

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009

Please watch carefully the following pictures and make a report about each one.

Talking about the examples Disney:

Other examples are:

The term subliminal message that is a signal or message designed to pass below (sub) the normal limits of perception
For example: An image can be transmitted in a short instant that goes unnoticed by the conscious mind but still perceived unconscient. A is often stated (without evidence) that subliminal techniques are used for purposes of advertising and publicity.

What is your opinion about this?

From diferent social status, are heard about subliminal messages in various forms of popular entertainment, like the songs of some artist with invested messeges in the lyric.
Talking about the movie of Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho it has a subliminal image that shows a skull superimposed over the face of the murderer in one of the last images of the film. Were also used sounds caused by pigs in a slaughterhouse mixed with the music.
The conservative activist Donald Wildmon said the Walt Disney Company inserted the word "sex" (sex) in his film The Lion King, a case that was later rejected because the message correspond to the initials SFX (special effects) in honor of creators of the film.